Are you considering starting your own business? Partnering with a friend, family member or colleague? Do you know the legal requirements related to a sole proprietorship, a partnership, an S-corporation, a C-corporation, or a Limited Liability Company?There are many legal needs related to creating, owning and operating a small business. Even the smallest business entity needs periodic legal advice. Individuals considering a business venture would benefit from a conversation with Roger P. Asch to determine the extent of personal liability and risk. Existing entities would benefit from a status review to determine needs, risk and liabilities.
With an understanding of accounting and a focus on business and tax planning, Roger P. Asch assists business clients with all aspects of establishing, operating and dissolving of business entities. He provides experience to guide clients in making the decisions to protect their business, themselves, their partners and their co-owners (shareholders or members).
Roger invites you to learn more about his practice and services by completing the form found on the Contact page.
Services that Roger P. Asch provides to small business clients include:
- Selection of business entity
- Formation and dissolution of sole proprietorship, general partnership, corporation, limited partnership and limited liability company
- Agreements among entity principals
- Non-compete agreements
- Non- disclosure agreements
- Buy/Sell agreements
- Service as Clerk, Registered Agent and general counsel
- Negotiation and drafting for purchase or sale of business
- Commitment and loan documentation for financing transactions
- General business contracts with vendors and service providers
- Leases or related real estate agreement
- Like-kind exchange agreements and facilitation